
hivediver - fluorofractal tribe #3

It is advantageous to use the most suitable tools in the right place. If these are not available, you can help yourself with your own solutions. I use my own colour gradients and my own colour maps for my artworks, which I coded together appropriately with a few Python instructions. About this work: The image shows a first 16-fold point-symmetric and then double-axis axisymmetric transformed Woggle fractal, which was strongly influenced by a Hadamard transformation(?) along with some additional variations. The point symmetries created some minor asymmetrical disturbances in the mathematical fabric of the fractal, which I corrected in favour of the visual aesthetics. Width: 2560px Height: 2560px Dots per inch (dpi): 96

Creator: @hivediver

Edition(s): 10

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@hivediver tokenized 10 editions
2 years ago [view tx]