NFT Showroom

Biological Impact

Digital work inspired by the biological war that plagues us, trying to understand how these viruses could affect intergalactic bodies and their composition. The human being has already proven to have an ability to achieve incredible feats, whether through individual or collective thinking, but also demonstrate that may lose control over his inventions, and this may have an impact not only worldwide but also Universal. Do we have the capacity to influence in a positive or negative way everything that surrounds us beyond our bubble? .. .. Original: 4000 x 4000 PNG

Creator: @aleister

Edition(s): 4

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bronkong4Full Commercial 80 SWAP.HIVE
aleister2Full Commercial 150 SWAP.HIVE
@wizardx bought edition #1 from @aleister for 200 SWAP.HIVE
4 years ago [view tx]
@bullauge bought edition #3 from @aleister for 100 SWAP.HIVE
4 years ago [view tx]
@bronkong bought edition #4 from @aleister for 75 SWAP.HIVE
4 years ago [view tx]
@aleister tokenized 4 editions
4 years ago [view tx]