Doomer - Wojak Series (2/20)

Doomer is a variation of the Wojak character that is typically characterized as an early 20's male who suffers from depression and has a bleak outlook on the world, in contrast to the 30 Year-Old Boomer. ---- Wojaks are crudely drawn meme people (usually just heads). They are used in internet jokes to convey different stereotypes and emotions. This NFT is part of a series of 20 NFTs that can be used as avatars. Each file has been cropped and sized to the perfect dimensions for a HIVE profile picture, 512x512 pixels.
  • Creator: @ianmcg
  • Total Edition(s): 10
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pepetoken8 Limited Production Rights 10000 MEME
pepetoken7 Limited Production Rights 100000 MEME
pepetoken3 Limited Production Rights 1000000 MEME
@memess bought edition #9 from @ianmcg for 700.000 MEME
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@siphon bought edition #10 from @ianmcg for 600.000 MEME
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@vintherinvest bought edition #1 from @ianmcg for 1500.000 MEME
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@ianmcg tokenized 10 editions
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